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 How to Backpacker Aswan & Luxor

Some people choose to travel as a backpacker instead of traveling with a travel agent, in addition to cheaper prices, sometimes with bacpacker we encounter separate challenges on a trip, where all of this can be a memorable story, experience, and learning. in this life.

On this occasion I would like to share how to spend a night or backpacking from Cairo to Aswan (Abu Simbel) and Luxor with a minimal budget, there are several things that need to be prepared before making this trip :

1.      Tasreh daim (tourist card from the Egyptian ministry) 

2.      ID (kerneh / passport / or both)

3.      Personal preparation (clothes, medicine, food, etc.)

After preparing these things, we headed straight to the Ramsis train station, to buy train tickets it was inside the station, so we went inside then, crossed the tracks, there were two places, first for class I AC, second for class II AC. In the present (pandemic) foreigners are required to buy class I AC (whether it will be a policy, or a temporary protocol).

The ticket price for the class I AC  to Aswan is 175 Egp, while going to Luxor 250 Egp, I also don't know why Luxor is more expensive, even though it is farther away from Aswan. The trip takes approximately 13 hours. I suggest choosing the afternoon, so that you can be on destination the next morning.

Arriving at Aswan station (if you want to go to Abu Simbel) we get out and head to the Bus terminal (according to taxi driver info, the bus to Abu Simbel is limited so it's not available every time), to the bus terminal, you can use a taxi or you can also use a local vehicle. the distance between the terminal and the station is quite far, so using a vehicle can save time and effort, the cost can be negotiated. I took a 30 Egp local vehicle for 5 people.

At the terminal we immediately buy a Bus ticket to Abu Simbel for 70 egp per person, the journey takes approximately 4 hours, if you want to bring food or drink, please buy it at a shop around the station, because the trip there passes through the desert and drinks or food at the rest area is a bit expensive.

Arriving at Abu Simbel you can walk or ride a vehicle to get to the Abu Simble temple, the distance is not far, sometimes the weather is quite hot when walking, if you want to take a local vehicle or taxi, its okey, the price can be negotiated, I use a taxi 30 Egp for 5 person. Entrance at Abu Simbel Temple is free if you use tasreh, while the price of admission for non-Egyptian students is 130 Egp.

The return trip from Abu Simbel to Aswan station can be by bus or tremko, tremko 60 Egp and bus 70 Egp. But the bus is only there in the morning. For Aswan's trip to Luxor, we can take the qoumi class train (economy class) for 10 Egp, which takes about 4 hours.

Destinations and historical places in Luxor are close to each other, you can walk or ride a wagon, or you can also rent a vehicle for the whole day of your trip, prices can be negotiated, while we speak Arabic they are not as expensive as tourist prices in general, residents there too friendly and respect us as students. To enter historical places there, as long as we have tasreh we can enter for free and there are so many ancient Egyptian relics in Luxor, so enjoy and learn.

For lodging I suggest looking for a villa or it can be called homestay "shaqqah" because the price is more affordable, you get one full house facility and also flexible time (no check in or check out), if you stay at a hotel or hostel "funduq" we get the price is quite expensive and only gets a room and is also limited in time.

For hostel prices I got 200 Egp for a double bed room and 250 Egp for a triple bed room. in hostels one bed is only allowed for one person, we are not allowed to rent a double bed room for three or more people, while the homestay price is 300 Egp and we can charge for 5 people. Homestay is in the western part of Luxor, we have to cross the nil first, the fare is 5 le per person, for local residents 2.5 le.

For the return trip to Cairo we can get a train ticket price of 105 Egp for class II AC.

            That's all for the description of backpackers to Aswan & Luxor, for a more complete story, you can wait for my next blog or stay tuned on my ig @ilhammafatihulihda. That is all and thank you.


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